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Product Info

Horse Guard™ Vitamin Supplement Refill Bucket

Horse Guard™ Vitamin Supplement Refill Bucket

Horse Guard is the most highly concentrated equine vitamin-mineral supplement on the market today. A mere two ounces a day ensures your horse will get all the critical nutrients typically missing from hay – including 3 mg. of organic selenium. Plus, you get the assurance that you are feeding the highest quality ingredients, including chelated minerals, pharmaceutical-grade vitamins, and food-grade carriers. 28 lbs.

Vibrant health is the result of many things, nutrition being the cornerstone. Horses, unlike humans, have very limited food sources – most of which are from the local area. Because of this they are much more prone to deficiencies caused by the deficiency in local soils and by the loss of vitamin content with feed storage. A complete vitamin-mineral supplement ensures complete nutrition and provides for all body functions.