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Product Info

MoorMan's® GROSTRONG® Minerals for Horses

MoorMan's® GROSTRONG® Minerals for Horses

  • Manufacturer: ADM | Archer Daniels Midland Co.

GROSTRONG® Minerals provide the necessary minerals and vitamins to complement forages and grains, enabling horses to reach their performance potential.  GROSTRONG®  Minerals is  a vitamin-mineral  supplement for  all classes  of horses;  available  in granular  form  (5-lb, 25-lb, and 50-lb  bags, 25-lb  blocks, or  25-lb QuadBLOCK. GROSTRONG®  Minerals is  the vitamin-mineral supplement of choice  when  feeding  low  calcium grass  forages  to horses.

  • Granular  form:  Feed  free-choice,  top-dressed  on  feed,  or incorporated  into grain  mix.
  • Block form:  Feed free-choice to horses on pasture.
  • QuadBLOCK form:  For in-stall free-choice feeding, use the QuadBLOCK split into fourths.