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Product Info

Tru Pickles, Tru Bread & Butter Pickles 

Tru Pickles, Tru Bread & Butter Pickles 

Years ago, in Old Europe and in this country, sugar was very scarce. For this reason, Bread & Butter pickles were a delicacy and saved for very special occasions. They were considered a great treat! Today we can enjoy Bread & Butter pickles any time we want—and they are still a great treat! Did you ever notice that other Bread & Butter pickles have a very yellow tinted juice? This is because sugar turns a cucumber a bluish gray, so other companies add yellow turmeric and polysorbate to their pickles—yellow and blue makes green! But Great Grandma Skufca didn’t have polysorbate or turmeric—and she didn’t need them! She knew that adding a grape leaf to her jar would keep the natural green color of the pickles, even with the added sugar—no need to dye them green again! It keeps them crisp and crunchy too! That’s why Trü Bread & Butter Pickles have a clear, clean look, and you will love the taste! Trü Pickles brings back

Fresh Cucumbers, Water, Sugar, Onion, Peppers, Grape Leaf, Vinegar, Salt, Spices.