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Skin related problems are among the most common canine medical conditions. When dogs engage in excessive scratching it may indicate oily or dry flakiness, allergies, or hot spots. Relieve your pet from these conditions with Sulfodene® brand skin remedy products.
Indications For Use
For routine cleaning of pet’s ears during regular grooming.
Directions For Use
Apply a liberal amount of Sulfodene® Brand Ear Cleaner into the ear canal of the dog or cat. Gently massage the base of the ear to loosen wax and debris, then let the pet shake the liquid out of the ear, if desired. A cotton swab may be used on the outer ear to remove extra dirt and debris. Do not insert cotton swab or any other object deep into the pet’s ear canal.
Reber Ranch Dove & Quail Mix
Reber Ranch Peanuts in Shell
CapShield Maxx Flea Treatment Tablets
Dog Gone Smart Dirty Dog Lounger Bed
PK Natural Everlasting Himalayan Dog Treat
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