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Northwest Horse Supplement


SKU: 2872
  • $59.99
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Trace Minerals

Many horse supplements include trace minerals, really just metals with important biological functions. For horses, the most important trace minerals are: Iron, Manganese, Zinc, Copper, Cobalt, Iodine, and Selenium. Trace mineral deficiencies can cause a wide variety of health problems: including, poor hoof and hair condition, bone problems, and blood cell formation issues.



Antioxidants are important for your horse on many levels. Nature supplies antioxidants to protect us from the destructive effects of environmental free radicals. Free radicals are caused by ultra-violet rays from the sun, x-rays, exposure to pesticides, insecticides, herbicides and more.

Organic Selenium

Selenium (Se) is a trace mineral, an essential nutrient that is an anti-oxidant. It protects the body from oxidative stress. A selenium deficiency may cause white muscle disease, muscular dystrophy, tying up, reproductive problems, and impaired immunity.

Selenized Yeast


Yeast cultures and probiotics have been proven in university and field trials to improve fiber digestibility and nutrient retention when included in equine diets. Improved digestibility means the horse gets more nutrients without increasing feed costs. Fiber digestibility is also critical to maintaining normal gut function, which is of special importance in working horses fed high energy diets and during times when forage quality is poor.


Daily Maintenance

Northwest Horse Supplement is formulated by professional nutritionists to provide the correct quantities of Selenized Yeast, Organic Selenium in addition to all Natural Vitamin E Chelated Trace Mineral, needed to balance the diets of Non-Gestating, Non-lactating adult and near adult Northwest Horses.

Performance Horses

Performance Horses-Equine Athletes need as near Perfect Nutrition as possible to Rebuild and Retain Bone while demanding Muscular Activity, plus a sufficient overage to replace losses while sweating.

Halter Horses

Halter Horses must have excellent, fortified nutrition for Strong, Sound Bones and robust Healthy Appearance.


Stallions needs are critically specific to ensure Healthy, Well-Formed, Viable sperm from Selenium's influence, while Zinc contributes to Larger Testicle size for Increased Quantity of Sperm.


Mineral Functions in the Equine Diet

Sign of deficiency
  • Protein synthesis
  • Vitamin A utilization
  • Epithelial tissue integrity
  • Immune System
  • Reproduction
  • Abnormal skin and hooves
  • Bone and joint problems
  • Poor wound healing
  • Fertility problems
  • Bone and Cartilage Synthesis
  • Enzyme Systems
  • Reproduction
  • Immune Response
  • Abnormal bones and joint development
  • Impaired ability to make or repair joint cartilage
  • Abnormalities in skin, hair and hooves
  • Reproduction challenges
  • Collagen synthesis and maintenance
  • Enzyme function
  • Red blood cell maturation
  • Reproduction
  • Immune response
  • Bone and joint disease
  • Tendon and ligament problems
  • Poor coat color
  • Early embryonic losses
  • Required by ruminants for synthesis of Vitamin B12 by bacteria in the gut
  • Fiber fermentation by bacteria
  • Low Vitamin B12 levels
  • Poor Growth
  • Low body condition
  • Component of Glutathione Peroxidase
  • Thyroid hormone metabolism
  • Immune response
  • Muscular cramping
  • Poor stress tolerance
  • Impaired immunity
  • Subpar performance



Feed one measure (approximately 4 ounces) to each horse daily. Always provide salt and clean fresh water for your horses.


Sun cured alfalfa, Ground barley, Manganese amino acid complex, Zinc amino acid complex, Selenium yeast, Zinc oxide, Manganous oxide, Rice bran, Magnesium oxide, Copper amino acid complex, Choline chloride, Vitamin E, Iron sulfate, Copper chloride, Molasses, Vitamin E oil, Canola oil, Cobalt glucoheptonate, Thiamine, Calcium pantothenate, Vitamin A, Riboflavin, Vitamin D3, Cobalt sulfate, Ethylene diamine dihydroiodide (a source of Iodine), Vitamin B12.


VITAMIN A...................................100,000 IU/lb
VITAMIN D3...................................40,000 IU/lb
NATURAL VITAMIN E,min..................600 IU/lb
RIBOFLAVIN,min.................................70 mg/lb
PANTOTHENIC ACID,min.................115 mg/lb
VITAMIN B 12, min..........................150 mcg/lb
THIAMINE, min..................................120 mg/lb
CHOLINE CHLORIDE, min..........10,500 mg/lb
MAGNESIUM, min.........................8500 ppm
MANGANESE, min.........................3800 ppm
IRON, min.........................................445 ppm
ZINC, min.......................................5500 ppm
IODINE, min.......................................33 ppm
COPPER, min..................................900 ppm
COBALT, min......................................30 ppm
SELENIUM, min............................17.60 ppm


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