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Purina® Oyster Shell


SKU: 10602
  • $6.59
    Unit price per 

Helps support egg shell integrity by providing extra calcium in free-range conditions or when scratch grains, table scraps, etc., comprise a major portion of the diet. High in calcium.

Features & Benefits

Research-proven feed

Purina® has been conducting poultry research for nearly a century. We have a flock of backyard birds at the Purina Animal Nutrition Center to help our nutritionists, feed formulators and flock caregivers evaluate our feeds before we put them on the market.

Added calcium

When complete layer feeds aren’t accessible or during times of stress for your birds, Purina® Oyster Shell provides an excellent source of supplemental calcium.

Mixed flock

For egg-laying chickens and turkeys.


Min / Max
Calcium (Ca)
36 %
Calcium (Ca)
41 %

Feeding Directions

Purina® Oyster Shell provides supplemental calcium in situations where the fortified layer diet may be diluted with additional low-calcium foodstuffs.
Use only as directed. If an excessive amount of grit accumulates in the feed troughs, reduce the level added.
Provide free choice next to feed during the laying season, or mix 1 lb with 20 lbs of feed.

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