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Slobber Drops and Whinny Wafers All Natural Horse Treats

Slobber Drops and Whinny Wafers All Natural Horse Treats

Available in Slobber Drops & Whinny Wafers


These crunchy little gems are loaded with omega-3, 6 & 9 fatty acids. This is a key force in fighting inflammation. The whole grains and seeds found in Whinny Wafers are very high in fiber and phytochemicals which are known for their antioxidant properties. These treats do not contain molasses, therefore, are a great option if you are trying to minimize sugar and carbohydrates, but still wish to provide your horse with loads of flavor.


Slobber Drops have the same phytochemicals and nutritious properties as Whinny Wafers. However, these treats have a delicious molasses base which is sure to please. Slobber Drops contain the added benefit of removing sugar with the third refinement of molasses. Our molasses is an excellent source of manganese and copper. It is also a very good source of iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium. In addition, our molasses is a good source of vitamin B6 and selenium.